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January 9th, 2025

Host: Shourya Roy Burman

Dennis Hu

Drug Hunter

Industry Highlights in Targeted Protein Degradation

Dennis founded Drug Hunter to give drug discovery scientists easy access to transferable knowledge from drug discovery programs throughout the industry. Today, Drug Hunter serves thousands of scientists from hundreds of institutions around the world including most of the top biotech and pharma companies, government institutions including the NIH, and investors in therapeutics discovery companies. Prior to serving as Drug Hunter Inc.'s CEO, Dennis began his career as a medicinal chemist and project team leader at a now publicly-listed biotech startup (FLX Bio/RAPT), where he contributed to the discovery of a phase II drug candidate for cancer immunotherapy. He later joined Genentech, and has published and patented chemical matter supporting a diverse range of target classes. He earned his PhD in Chemistry from Stanford University, MPhil by Research from the University of Cambridge on a Churchill Scholarship, and a dual BA/MS from Northwestern University as a Goldwater Scholar.

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January 23rd, 2025

Host: Mikolaj Slabicki

Itay Koren

Bar-Ilan University

Ub or Not Ub: Decoding Ubiquitin-Dependent and Independent Degradation Pathways

Itay is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University. Itay obtained his PhD from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Dept. of Molecular Genetics, where he studied autophagy under the supervision of Prof. Adi Kimchi. In 2013, he joined the lab of Steve Elledge at the Harvard Medical School, Boston, as a post-doctoral fellow. Itay established his independent lab at Bar-Ilan University in 2019, where he employs genome-wide approaches and genetic tools to explore the ubiquitin proteasome system. His research focuses on the mechanisms that regulate substrate recognition and their implications for signal transduction and protein quality control pathways.

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